Area Indiana Counties See Increases In Unemployment Numbers
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
INDIANAPOLIS — After having some of the lowest unemployment numbers in the state, some area Indiana counties rolled in some of the highest jobless rates for January 2023.
Once ringing in some of the lowest unemployment rates in the state, LaGrange and Noble counties are now posting Indiana’s highest jobless rates in January 2023.
LaGrange and Noble County saw some major shifts month-over-month, while Steuben and DeKalb County were more stable in January.
LaGrange County went from a 2.1% unemployment rate in December to a state-highest 5.2% in January.
Noble County jumped from a 2.7% unemployment rate in December to 5.1% in January.
Other area county saw increases, but not as drastic as things were in LaGrange and Noble Counties.
Steuben County bounced from 2% in December to 2.9% for January.
DeKalb County’s rate is up too, going from 2.3% to 3%.
Despite the increases, both Steuben and Noble Counties are still in the lower half when it comes to unemployment among the Hoosier state’s 92 counties.
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