
School Bond Issue Hot Topic In Coldwater
Monday, November 4, 2019

Voters within Coldwater Community School District will head to the polls Tuesday to renew the building and site sinking fund millage that would replace the current millage which expires in December 2020. However, a change in the state law that went into effect in 2016 has led to some confusion about the proposal as district officials have been trying to convince voters that although it's a renewal of the current annual millage of .9740 mills, they have to call it a new millage thanks to the state law change as sinking fund dollars can now be used for instructional technology and security.

The millage proposal on the ballot in November would not take effect until the old millage expires next year. Sinking funds can only be used by school districts for building repairs and major maintenance expenses. The Coldwater school district has had the sinking fund millage for 20 years.


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