Mersman Credentialed By ICMA
By: Mike Stiles -
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Brandon Mersman (photo courtesy of Facebook)
(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Bronson City Manager Brandon Mersman had received a special recognition.
Mersman recently received the Credentialed Manager designation from the International City/County Management Association. He is one of over 1.300 local government management professionals currently credentialed through the ICMA Voluntary Credentialing Program.
ICMA’s mission is to advance professional local government through leadership, management, innovation and ethics and by increasing the proficiency of appointed chief administrative officers, assistant administrators and other employees who serve local governments and regional entities around the world.
To receive this prestigious ICMA credential, a member must have significant experience as a senior management executive in local government; have earned a degree, preferably in public administration or a related field; and demonstrated a commitment to high standards of integrity and to lifelong learning and professional development.
Mersman is qualified by more than 9 years of professional local government executive experience. Prior to being hired Bronson City Manager in 2015, Mersman serves as the Assistant to the Township Manager for the Charter Township of Brighton. He also serves as a Project Administrator/Management Intern and grant writer for the City of Holland.
Mersman has also made significant contributions to a number of other organizations, including the Branch County Economic Growth Alliance; the Bronson Community Foundation, the Branch County E911 Board and the Bronson Area Fire Association.
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